Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Australia in Autumn, May 2019

Here we are in the renowned Victoria Market in Melbourne in search of fruit, 'veggies' as the Aussies call vegetables, and treats from one of the delicatessens.

Sean likes to have a baby chino after the shopping is done.

The main purpose of the visit to Australia was to see our daughters, son-in-law, grandson Sean and new grandson Rory and all are doing exceptionally well. In order to help prevent me from going stir crazy doing domestic duties I got invited to Daylesford for a 'Rogaining' session. You have to visit as many checkpoints as you can within 6 hours, using map & compass to navigate through the forest. Our team of 3 managed 3rd in the Ultra Vet section. There may only have been 3 Ultra Vet teams...

Forget the signs, let's get off the road.

You are being watched.

Saturday May 11th and a wet trek in the clouds on the Dandenong hills. I saw a couple of lyre birds (a comparatively rare sight I believe) as well as the occasional kookaburra.

The following week we took the train up to Bendigo in bright sunshine. After lunch with long standing Aussie friends at the Five Flags Hotel in Campbell's Creek, we toured the excellent Tudors to Windsors portrait exhibition at the impressive Bendigo Museum.

Elizabeth I in case you didn't know.

More trekking and more good weather - this time in the Wombat National Forest at Blackwood, north of Melbourne - courtesy of the Melbourne Bush Walkers Club, one of whom (Jenny) I met on my Coast to Coast walk in August 2018.

After the trek, rehydration at the Blackwood Hotel, one of Australia's oldest weatherboard buildings. Blackwood looked lovely in the Autumn sunshine.

The 1000 steps once again in the Dandenong hills with the Saturday morning group. Some blue sky this time.

Mount Macedon - another beautiful little township. A higher altitude than Melbourne and a fair bit cooler. We visited the excellent Forest Glade Gardens - not the best time of year for a garden visit but fascinating and enjoyable nonetheless. Before we began we fuelled up on tea, coffee and cakes. Baby Chino once again for Sean.

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