Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Otherwise known as the Olgas

The massive series of domes gives us the chance to walk through valleys and gorges, climb passes and see some wildlife. Trish sees a dingo chasing a kangaroo. Both animals look pretty fit but the clever money is on the kangaroo to escape. Buzzards glide overhead, hoping for leftovers I guess.

The landscape reminds me of the photos of Mars sent back by the US Voyager or am I thinking of Oman?! Giant red boulders and fields of red rock abound. Our guide points out trees that contain food and those which are poisonous - the latter predominate!

We finish our trek in time for more sparkling wine and the opportunity to marvel at the striking colour changes that take place as the sun goes down over the domes.

The Australian people that we have met so far heve been, without exception, smiling, friendly, polite and enthusiastic. On the way back to our hotel the coach driver puts on traditional Aussie songs, which his compatriots sing along to. I recognise Waltzing Matilda and then there's something about kangaroos on a verandah and being stuck up a gum tree... If anyone cares to enlighten me, please do!

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