Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cracow, beautiful, inspiring and relaxing

Cracow, the former capital of Poland is a marvellous place to spend a few days. Below you have St Mary's Basilica in Rynek Glowny, europe's largest medieval market square. Every hour (24hrs a day) a bugler appears near the top of the tower and plays a warning to the four points of the compass. He then waves to the crowd who then wave back. Not sure what the crowd was like at 3:00a.m. though.

 The weather was great, as you can see. A bit warm for the horses perhaps but they are all well cared for and in beautiful condition.
 This is Wawel Cathedral, a short walk form Rynek Glowny. As in all the churches we visited in Cracow, the inside was awe inspiringly beautiful, including the ornate sarcophagi of Polish monarchs and national heroes. Our admiration for the Polish people grows as we hear how they finally gained independence in 1918 after a series of invasions and rule by Swedish, Prussian, Austrian empires. Then followed the dread of the Nazis and 45 years of Soviet repression.
 I would be very grateful if someone would tell me how this is done!
 Cracow is very relaxing, especially with a glass of Wyziec. Not bad in the back of a horse drawn carriage either!

1 comment:

Louise Fisher said...

This is a great picture! No idea how these ladies balance on sticks: maybe they have really strong core muscles??